A Welcome Home

Your bespoke home service

Many of us long to live in elegant, open, light-filled, and warm spaces that welcome us home. A home that meets our needs and aspirations for living, relaxing, and entertaining brings great joy. Whether it’s an extension, a remodel, or creating an entirely new house and garden, we aim to thrill and comfort you. Our spaces reflect your personality and style.

If you wish to improve your home, add an extension, remodel, or create a new house and garden, we offer a fully bespoke service to help you achieve your dream home.

Why choose Chiswell Landscaping?

Creating Connections

The inside outside relationship

We are particularly interested in designing across the boundaries of architecture and garden design. Our most interesting and rewarding schemes often consider the design of the house and garden, and their relationship to each other, as a whole.

The Whole Process

From start to finish

We offer a complete service from design, liaising with planners, building and electrical works, right through to the finishing touches.

Unique and individual

Designed for you

The most important thing to us is to design and build something beautiful and enduring for you. Finding the best way to approach this is key to achieving the best result within your budget.

Style and Context

Thoughtful materials

Our schemes can involve the bold and dramatic use of contemporary materials or the use of local, natural, or reclaimed materials, depending on your chosen style or context. We particularly enjoy working in conservation contexts where a sympathetic approach to melding old and new is required.

Craftsmanship and Creativity

Build quality

What gives us the most pleasure is working with our customers to design and construct pieces of real craftsmanship and beauty. We are proud of our creations, knowing they will bring you enjoyment for many years to come.

The “WOW” Factor

Extensions and remodeling

Most of us achieve our dream home over time by extending and altering our properties. In deciding what changes to make, context is often key.

Period properties and modern homes

If your property has a strong architectural identity or is within a historical or conservation setting, there may be limitations on materials and approach. It is sometimes a challenge, but always a joy, to work on such projects to create something adventurous and innovative while retaining a connection to the context.

For many of us, our properties may not have a strong sense of identity. Altering or extending them presents an opportunity to add drama and even some ‘wow’ factor, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Design And Build

A brand new home and garden

The majority of our work involves extending living spaces and, in particular, integrating indoor and outdoor areas. We also work with clients who make the bold decision to start from scratch. We help them design and build a completely new house to suit their own requirements.

Dream it

Here we often start by sketching out several quite different styles and ideas—from the striking and contemporary to the traditional. In this way, we uncover what excites the client. Scrapbooks and idea-boards often prove a useful resource where the client has spent time gathering images that interest and excite them in preparation for this journey.

Build it

Chiswell Landscaping’s approach is somewhat unusual in that we have always specialised in the design and construction of house and garden together, rather than their being done by separate professionals without relation to each other. It is always a joy to help people go through the process, and to help them realise their dream.

Our Work

Image gallery

View some of our previous work in the gallery below

Some of our latest work

It all begins with an idea

Maybe you’d like to extend or remodel your property, or would like a new home developed. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your project.